Seinfeld, Psalm 22, and Wake Up Calls

Seinfeld landmarkSeinfeld, Psalm 22, and Wake Up Calls

Do you remember the show Seinfeld? Of course you do. That show always amazed me. How could the writers of that show sit down, write 22 minutes of content with four characters, and connect all of their situations in a hilarious way. It was the interconnectivety that was the draw of the show.

What does that have to do with the Bible? Well, let me tell you. Good ole Psalm 22. That’s what. Psalm 22 is one of the most significant pieces of scripture to me. I didn’t know

it would be so significant. It doesn’t spell out the Gospel like Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John do. Psalm 22 did not flash before my eyes as I was dying and then I was miraculously saved or anything.

The reason Psalm 22 is so significant to me is because our Saviour said this on the cross as He gave up His Spirit.

About three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” (which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”). (Matthew 27:46 NIV)

That haunted me until 10 years ago. I would ask myself, “If Jesus is God’s Son, why would He feel forsaken?” Think about it. It was an attack from the evil one placing a belief in my life that even Jesus was forsaken by God. That Jesus was abandoned by God.

It was not until God put it on my heart to read the Bible from cover to cover 10 years ago that I found Psalm 22. Jesus was not saying that God had forsaken Him for ever. Jesus was experiencing the separation from God because of our sins that were heaped upon him. In this last breath that Jesus drew He directs us to scripture. He directs us to Psalm 22 to see that all of this was foretold to us and that it has come to pass. It is a seal on His promise of the Word. A seal on the Bible to say, “You can trust this book.”

That interconnectivity across centuries had me hooked on reading God’s Word. If I had not begun to seek answers in God’s Word by reading daily… I never would have found the answer to Jesus’ haunting last words. God’s healing through reading His Word daily continues for me even now. While I was writing this post today I read the passage again and even more was revealed to me. As you read Psalm 22 today, think about Jesus’ life and work on the cross. Tell me if anything “rings a bell”.

Speaking of interconnectivity… One of our traveling companions on this journey will publish a post tomorrow. I will not steal his thunder, but you probably got a preview yesterday in your inbox. We were having some, “technical difficulties” as we prepared his first post and you were sent the post ahead of time. Hey… we are just people that make mistakes so please forgive us!

What I do want to say is how amazing it is that God is working in the lives of those that choose this Journey through scriptures. Brian Tucker is going to show you that tomorrow with his first post. So please welcome him and pray for him as Brian continues to walk this journey. It is not easy to lay your heart out there into ink as Brian has found.

July 28, 2012 Bible Reading

2 Chronicles 21:1-23:21
Romans 11:13-36
Psalms 22:1-18
Proverbs 20:7

Listen to the Bible On Your Phone – Daily Audio Bible Podcast

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